Saturday, 31 March 2012

How to write the main body of your coursework essays

Owen Clayton's first podcast deals with how to write effective introductions and conclusions. Here, he examines how you can write effective essays by focusing on planning and writing the main body of your essay. Very valuably Owen also shows how to use critics in your essays.
How to write effective essays (Part 2)

Very useful for writing introductions and conclusions.
Part 1 of how to create effective essays

AO2 Language, Form and Structure in Literature

Simon Swift form Leeds University discusses these aspects within the context of the writing of Virginia Woolf and Sylvia Plath.

Wednesday, 28 March 2012

Part 7, Chapter 9 of "Brighton Rock"

A Prezi on Women in "Othello" -

Shakespeare's England - Very useful for Assessment Objective 4 on historical context(s)

This is one of the finest blogs I have ever seen. The information found there is just what students need for understanding the period in which Shakespeare produced his plays.  There is a range of topics, many of them illustrated with original images and texts by contemporaries. This is a happy hunting ground for understanding the contexts for Shakespeare's plays in depth. It is the work of a patient academic who obviously is has enthusiasm for this topic.

Shakespeare's England

About Me

I teach Film, Media and English Lit.